Main Screen

Price chart

You can use the centrally located price chart to view historical prices or set time intervals to view charts. Basic charts, TradingView charts, depth graphs, etc. are provided as a basis, and up to four charts can be divided.

Trading Sidebar

In the trading sidebar located on the right sidebar, we are supporting Margin Mode (Isolated, Crossover), Leverage Adjustment, Order Type, Order Category, Pricing, Stop Loss, Reduce Only, Buy (Long)/Sell (Short), Deposit, Withdraw.

The order book

The order book shows the orders currently in progress. You can check positions, pending orders, order history, trade history, transaction history, assets, and more.

Position Section

In the Positions section, you can check your current positions, open orders, order history, trade history, assets, and more. Users can check the current position's valuation profit or loss, expected liquidation price, margin ratio, and other information. You can also close a position directly in that section using a market or limit order.

Margin Ratio panel

The Margin Ratio panel displays your current Margin Ratio, Maintenance Margin, and Margin Balance.

Margin Ratio = Maintenance Margin / Margin Balance

(Maintenance margin here refers to the minimum margin balance required to hold your position.)

Margin balance is equal to wallet balance plus unrealized P&L. When the margin ratio reaches 100%, the position you are currently entering will be liquidated.​

Trading Fee

  • Maker: 0.02%

  • Taker: 0.07%

Last updated