

: A community-based Klaytn DEX with low fees and fast transaction speeds.

ODiswap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built for collaboration with various projects in the Klaytn ecosystem, operating based on Uniswap V2. Offering outstanding features and convenience, ODiswap contributes to the expansion of the Land Chronicle ecosystem through stable operation.

Features of ODiswap

1. Low Transaction Fees (0.25%)

ODiswap minimizes transaction fees, allowing users to trade tokens without heavy costs. With a low 0.25% trading fee, it supports stable and efficient trading, enabling users to maximize their profits.

2. Intuitive Interface

ODiswap provides users with high usability. Through an intuitive and user-friendly interface, anyone can easily trade. From beginners to experts, it offers a platform that everyone can access and utilize effortlessly.

3. Fast Processing Speed

ODiswap is built on Klaytn's high-performance blockchain technology. This ensures fast transaction processing speeds and high scalability, allowing users to execute trades quickly and efficiently. It also minimizes transaction delays to optimize the user experience.

4. Partner Pool Offering

ODiswap offers a Partner Pool service that allows users to stake ODI and receive various tokens as rewards. Partner Pools make it easier to secure liquidity for various tokens and contribute to increasing the scale and stability of trading.

ODiswap provides excellent DEX services to users with low transaction fees, an intuitive interface, fast processing speeds, and Partner Pool offerings. It contributes to the activation of the Klaytn-based ecosystem and the improvement of the efficiency of digital asset trading. We highly recommend ODiswap to anyone looking to trade digital assets safely and conveniently.

Last updated